New week comming again, monday until thursday everyday got test and wednesday,friday got assigment to passed. i juz hope the test pass and luck luck in assigment...

i M winner in shopping,Wahahahha!

My Friday Dinner at MAcd...Double Cheesee Burger. Chess in my life.

Probability time,We sit behind but the blackboard words to small. This two frog cannot c anythings, by the Way KK Smart..turn back the spec to c Numbers,that is works to c more clear.Cool man...

We Gathering again,i quite long time no go out wth them.So hapi that nite,we take alot jokes.Oh,we celebrate a Shuan birthday,so hapi she back....Funny,she Cried?coz celebrate birthday wth her? Terrible....

WAhh.... after viweing all d pics here, realize U really is a Shopping "Queen"#~ hahahaah
WAhh.... after viweing all d pics here, realize U really is a Shopping "Queen"#~ hahahaah
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